Favorite Websites

#3D and Coding

  • 3D at PDB-101

    This is the 3d printing section of PDB-101.

    I also recommend to check out the other learning resources too.

  • Awesome Healthcare AI

    A curated list of awesome open source healthcare tools, machine learning algorithms, datasets and research papers.

  • BodyParts3D

    This is a great source for all kinds of anatomical 3D models.

  • Hominin Fossils at Smithsonian

    This is a collection of viewable hominin fossil 3D models produced by the Smithsonian's Human Origins Program by 3D scanning casts and other replicas.

    I also recommend to check out the other great, high-quality, non-medical models.

  • NIH 3D

    NIH 3D is an open, community-driven portal to download, share, and create bioscientific and medical 3D models for 3D printing and interactive 3D visualization.


  • Nerdfallmedizin | de

    This blog is perfect for everybody interested in emergency medicine.

  • Parasites

    This is a blog about all kinds of Parasites you probably never heard of.

  • The Expert Witness Newsletter

    This newsletter publishes expert witness opinions, written by physicians who have been retained as experts in medical malpractice cases.


  • CHADSVASC Calculator

    You can calculatate CHADSVASC, CHA2DS2VASC and HASBLED risk score for atrial fibrillation on this website.

  • MDCalc

    MDCalc contains calculators for many different scores and equations.

  • MedScape Calculator

    MedScape Calculator contains calculators for many different scores and equations.

  • Ped(z) - Pediatric Calculator | de, en

    On this website you will find a collection of mainly pediatric calculators for easing a pediatricians every day work.

  • qSOFA Calculator

    Quick and easy qSOFA calculation.

#Contact Information

  • Poison Control Centers | de

    A List of Poison Control Centers and Poison Information Centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

  • Suizid Help Services | de

    A searchable listing of suicide help services in Germany.

#Databases and Libraries

  • Cochrane Library

    The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.

    One of the best sources for systematic reviews.

  • Databases for literature searching

    This list on the webpage of the University of Cambridge provides links to the main medical and health databases.

    This website goes into much greater detail about the use cases of the different databases.

  • Drugs.com

    This resource provides up-to-date drug informations including names, interactions, side effects as well as other tools like a phonetic search function.

  • KEGG Pathway

    Wiring diagrams of molecular interactions, reactions and relations.

    You can find many more databases on the homepage of Genome JP, but I like the pathways the most.

  • OMIM

    OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily.

  • Orphanet | de, en

    Orphanet is a unique resource, gathering and improving knowledge on rare diseases so as to improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases.

  • PharmGKB

    PharmGKB is a comprehensive resource that curates knowledge about the impact of genetic variation on drug response for clinicians and researchers.

  • Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

    PHIL offers an organized, universal electronic gateway to the pictures of the CDC.

  • Pubmed

    PubMed comprises millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

    The National Center for Biotechnology Information has many more databases. Click on the Logo to navigate to the landing page and find out more.

  • Servier Medical Art (SMART)

    The SMART library features over 3000 medical visuals, perfect for creating compelling educational aids and enriching research work. All resources are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

  • The Human Protein Atlas

    The Human Protein Atlas is a Swedish-based program initiated in 2003 with the aim to map all the human proteins in cells, tissues, and organs using an integration of various omics technologies, including antibody-based imaging, mass spectrometry-based proteomics, transcriptomics, and systems biology.

  • Trip

    Trip is a smart, fast tool to find high quality clinical research evidence.


  • List of Medical Subreddits

    This wiki contains a list of medical subreddits.

  • Medilearn Foren | de

    This is a forum for medical students and physicians.

  • r/medicine

    This subreddit is a community for medical professionals to talk about the latest advances, controversies and more.

  • r/medizin | de

    This subreddit is a community for medical professionals to talk about the latest advances, controversies and more.

#German Institutions

  • BfArM | de

    Homepage of the Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte.

  • BfR | de

    Homepage of the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung.

  • G-BA | de

    Homepage of the Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss.

  • IQWiG | de

    Homepage of the Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen.

  • Liste Medizinischer Forschungsinstitute | de

    Wikipedia article with a list of medical research institutes.

  • PEI | de

    Homepage of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.

  • RKI | de

    Homepage of the Robert-Koch-Institut.


  • AMWF | de

    Guidelines of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften".

  • BÄK | de

    Guidelines and recommendations of the "Bundesärztekammer".

  • Guidelines International Network (GIN) | de, en

    This library contains links to guidelines published or endorsed by GIN member organisations from across the globe.

  • NVL | de

    Guidelines of the "Nationale VersorgungsLeitlinien".

#Information and Learning

  • ANApatterns.org | de, en

    This website provides all sorts of information about Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) patterns.

  • AO Surgery Reference

    A resource for the management of fractures, based on current clinical principles, practices and available evidence.

  • BoneXray.com

    A collection of normal pediatric bone xrays.

  • BZgA Leitbegriffe | de

    Key terms of health promotion and prevention of the BZgA.

  • Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics | de, en

    This is the digital version of the textbook "Labor und Diagnose".

  • Core Ultrasound

    This site will help you improve your ultrasound skills.

  • Current Biology - Primers

    Primers introduce a specific area of biology or a taxonomic group and provide a first entry into a field.

  • Current Biology - Quick Guides

    Quick Guides give you a very short and readable introduction to a particular biological topic, structure, or taxon.

  • Das Gehirn | de

    A website dedicated to explain the function of the brain and it's importance in feeling, thinking and acting.

  • Endotext

    Endotext is a non-profit web-based source of trustworthy information on endocrine disease written for physicians around the world.

  • gesund.bund.de | de, en

    This site aims to provide reliable and understandable information about health. The services are intended to promote citizens’ health competence and self-determination.

  • ICD-10-GM at BfArM | de

    International Classification of Diseases of the BfArM.

  • ICD-10-GM Search | de

    Simple ICD-10-GM search tool.

  • ICD-10-WHO at BfArM | de

    International Classification of Diseases of the BfArM.

  • ICD-11-WHO at WHO

    International Classification of Diseases of the WHO.

  • Impfkalendar der STIKO | de

    Current vaccination calendar of the STIKO.

  • Krebsfrüherkennung | de

    Informations about Krebsfrüherkennung.

  • Life in the fast lane

    This site will help you improve your ecg skills.

  • NINDS Catalog

    The NINDS offers free printed and downloadable materials on neurological disorders for patients and their families, health professionals, and the general public.

  • OPS at BfArM | de

    Operationen- und Prozedurenschlüsse of the BfArM.

  • Orthorad | de

    Learn more about orthopaedic radiology on this website.

  • PDB-101

    PDB-101 is an online portal for exploring the world of proteins and nucleic acids. The diverse shapes and functions of biological macromolecules help explain all aspects of biomedicine and agriculture, from protein synthesis to health and disease to biological energy.

  • Pedbone by Orthorad | de

    Another collection of normal pediatric bone xrays.

  • Schwangerschaftsvorsorgeuntersuchung | de

    Informations about Schwangerschaftsvorsorgeuntersuchung and Chlamydia-Screening .

  • SOP Notaufnahme | de

    A collection of concise, evidence-based standard operating procedures (SOP) for the emergency department.

  • Tales - Histologie | de

    A place to learn about histology.

  • Tales - Nahtkurs | de

    A place to learn about suturing.

  • U/J Untersuchungen | de

    Informations about U/J examinations for children and adolescents.

  • UpToDate

    Make real-time clinical decisions based on the most current evidence.

  • webop | de, en

    webop is an e-learning-platform to learn about surgery with the help of videos and illustrations.

  • WHO

    Homepage of the World Health Organization.

  • Zahnvorsorgeuntersuchungen | de

    Informations about Zahnvorsorgeuntersuchungen.


  • DOSING | de

    DOSING helps you with dosing of DOACs, dosing for patients with renal insufficiency and dosing in case of heatwaves.

  • Drug Interactions Flockhart Table

    This table is designed as a teaching and reference tool for health care providers and researchers interested in drug interactions that are mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes.

  • Embryotox | de

    Information about medication in pregnancy and lactation period.

  • Fachinfo | de

    Homepage of the Fachinfo Service.

  • Gelbe Liste | de

    Homepage of the Gelbe Liste.

  • Kinderformularium.de | de

    This website provides independent, evidence-based and regularly updated information on the use of medicines in children and adolescents.

  • Labor28 - Fachinfo | de

    Lab related Fachinfo and diagnostic pathways of Labor28.

  • LiverTox

    LiverTox serves to report known and suspected hepatic side effects to improve drug safety.

  • MAK Collection | de, en

    This website hosts the MAK journal as well as the newest MAK and BAK values.

  • nephrotox

    nephrotox serves to report known and suspected renal side effects to improve drug safety.

  • Pharmazeutische Zeitung | de

    All kinds of information about medication.

  • Pneumotox

    Pneumotox is an aid to the diagnosis of DIRD (Drug-Induced & Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease).

  • Rote Hand Briefe | de

    List of all Rote Hand Briefe on the website of the PEI.

  • Rote Liste | de

    Homepage of the Rote Liste.


  • Altmeyers | de, en

    Altmeyers Encyclopedia is a wiki for mostly dermatological topics.

    Registration needed for full access!

  • Doccheck | de

    Doccheck is a wiki for all kinds of medical topics.

  • EyeWiki

    EyeWiki is where ophthalmologists, other physicians, patients and the public can view articles written by ophthalmologists, covering the vast spectrum of eye disease, diagnosis and treatment.

  • Infektiopedia | de

    Infektiopedia is a place where you can find various infomation about infectious disease, diagnosis and treatment.

  • MSD Manual | de, en

    MSD Manual is a wiki for all kinds of medical topics.

  • Onkopedia | de

    Onkopedia is a place where you can find various infomation about cancer disease, diagnosis and treatment.

  • Radiopaedia

    Radiopaedia’s mission is to create the best radiology reference the world has ever seen.